Internship Diaries (Introductory session)

Today was my first day as an NLP research assistant at the Iran University of Science and Technology’s natural language processing lab.
Interns joined the introductory session and our supervisor,DR Sauleh Etemadi, explained the goals, plans, work process, and expectations.
Here is an outline of what is going on in the next few months of the internship program. We will complete the “Deep Learning Specialization” Offered By Deep Learning.AI on Coursera. Meanwhile, we choose our favorite field of study to read papers and implement those essays to master coding and get familiar with the research process. Some presentation sessions will be held to enhance our presenting skills.
Some of the graduates will help us through this journey, and every other day, we report our progress in an online meeting like what is known as daily scrums.
I’m so excited to work with such a fantastic group and can’t wait to start.



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